In the latest installment of Kiiroo HQ, hosts Urban and Kees guide us through the evocative realm of Spoken Word Poetry. This episode is particularly special as they welcome a guest who has made a significant mark on the Dutch poetry scene. As Holland's most sought-after spoken word artist, he shares insights into the intricate dance of weaving sex, sexuality, and gender into the tapestry of his poetry.
Discussing themes of intimacy, love, and eroticism through poetry can be a daunting task. Yet, it's one that offers a rich ground for expression and connection. Our hosts inquire about the methods used to tackle these profound themes while keeping an audience captivated and engaged. The conversation promises to shed light on the transformative power of words and the delicate art of performance poetry.
Tune in to this week's episode of Kiiroo HQ on Kiiroo TV to delve deeper into the intimate relationship between poet and audience, and the role that spoken word plays in bridging the two through shared experiences of love and sensuality.