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Kiiroo Featured in Deutschlandfunk Broadcast on VR Advancements

Author: Tamara Guinn Published at: Apr, 4 2024 Hits: 41

Kiiroo's Insights on Virtual Reality Featured on Deutschlandfunk

Kiiroo's very own Communications Manager took to the airwaves on Deutschlandfunk, a German radio station, to discuss the burgeoning impact of virtual reality across various sectors. The segment, aptly named 'Siegeszug der Virtuellen Realität - Unfassbar nah,' translates to 'The Victory Parade of Virtual Reality - Incredibly Close,' highlighting the rapid advancement and imminent integration of VR technologies in our daily lives.

Though the segment was broadcast in German, it offers valuable insight into the widespread application and progression of VR. For those eager to explore the details of this exciting evolution, a translated version is available. To delve deeper into the discussion and learn more about VR's transformative journey, click here.

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