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Exploring the Bended Knee Position: A Guide for Adventurous Couples

Published at: Apr, 1 2024 Hits: 34

Exploring the Bended Knee Position: A Guide for Adventurous Couples

For those looking to add a new dimension of intimacy and excitement to their lovemaking, the Bended Knee position offers a unique combination of physical closeness and erotic pleasure. Drawing inspiration from the ancient teachings of the Kama Sutra, this advanced sex position is both a challenge and a delight for couples willing to explore.

Bended Knee Sex Position

Difficulty Level

This position is considered advanced and is recommended for couples who have a good level of physical fitness. It requires strength, stamina, and flexibility from both partners.

Pros and Cons

  • Pros:
    • Enhances intimacy by allowing for close face-to-face interaction.
    • Facilitates quick and shallow thrusts for a unique sexual rhythm.
  • Cons:
    • May cause discomfort in the knees for both participants.
    • Less suitable for those seeking deep penetration.


The Bended Knee position begins with both partners kneeling and facing each other. The man raises one leg, bending at the knee with his foot planted firmly on the ground. The woman mirrors this movement, lifting her corresponding leg and draping it over his. He then draws her in, encircling her lower back with his arms for stability. She can respond by looping her arms around his neck or upper back. With this setup, the couple can initiate a gentle swaying motion, maintaining precious eye contact, and deepening their emotional connection through the intimacy of the posture.

Eve’s Tip

For those seeking more depth in penetration, shifting your angle slightly to the side may allow for deeper contact, thus enhancing the experience.

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